I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD home of the Orioles, Ravens, Carmello Anthony, and Michael Phelps.  Baltimore has been known for its crabs but lately, bakeries are shining with the prosperity of Charm City Cakes and Cake Love.

A Dream Deferred...

       After watching these shows, I began to realize that I too once had a vision. Cakes have been a part of my life since I was a little girl.  As a youngster, I couldn't quite get the technique for a scratch cake but my Grandma Grace taught me how to doctor a box cake til there was little distinction.

        Though Grandma Grace didn't make scratch cakes, her pies were crafted with love.  Sweet Potatoe pie for those who love them creamy and those who love them thick.  We were not allowed to indulge in any of her goodies until we said Grace (thanks be to God).

        I would like to take a moment and say thanks to my grandma.  She returned home years ago but she left in me the passion of baking.  That is why I must always Say Grace.


Recipe after recipe, I baked cakes until I had the perfect combination for a mouth watering, buttery masterpiece.  My co-workers inspired me to take adecorating courses (partly because they wanted to eat the practice cakes, LOL). And so, here I am presenting my work to you.


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